Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Log4jConfigListener Deployment Issue on WebLogic

It looks like Spring framework's Log4jConfigListener is having an issue when webapp is deployed as WAR.
Log4jConfigListener is defined in web.xml. I got the below error while deploying the application in weblogic 10.3: Cannot set web app root system property when WAR file is not expanded - with nested exception:  [java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot set web app root system property when WAR file is not expanded].

The solution is deploy the WAR as exploded or don't use Log4jConfigListener. The spring framework documentation also says the WAR should be exploded.

But... there is a solution available to this without any code change. We just need to set "Archived Real Path Enabled" option checked, just like this:

1. Go to server admin console->Domain-> Web applications. Click the checkbox of Archived Real Path Enabled. This should make an entry into domain config.xml as below. 2. Second option is at webapp level by updating weblogic.xml as below: true The value of set in the web app has precedence over the value set at the domain level. The default value of this property is false.

This is my example:

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