Wednesday, September 8, 2010

@Autowired and @Qualifier

"Your best friends could be @Autowired and @Qualifier"
I have to migrate data from DB2 to Oracle, both databases have the same structure, well, my Oracle has better design, but I'm reusing the some objects, like POJO's and DAO's, the only thing I changed were my mappings, because I have to keep my mappings for DB2 and for Oracle.
If I have the same DAO for both databases, what can I do?
As you can see, I have 2 different DAO's sharing the same Interface & Implementation, but each one belongs to a different "sessionFactory" serviceApplicationContext.xml
Nothing special, right? But now here it comes the interesting part, because @Autowired by itself it will inject the given bean in your ServiceImpl, but you must have only one bean of that type. In my case I have more than 1, so @Autowired will throw an error when loading the context.
Then it comes @Qualifier which will match based on the given name, and problem solved chavos!!!

Notes: I used org.springframework.beans.BeanUtils to create a copy of my bean (pojo) returned from DB2 into a non-persistent Pojo which I'll manipulate before inserting into Oracle (DB2 completes each column value with spaces to achieve the given size of that column, so each time you query a DB2 column you'll get a lot of extra spaces)

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