Wednesday, February 9, 2011

About Hibernate 3 plugin for Maven

In one of my previous entries, I had something really cool on my POM, which basically generated the DataBase based on my Entyties (or Domain objects), and that was the Hibernate 3 plugin for Maven
As you will see on the official documentation for that plugin, you can do a bunch of things, but it doesn't says anything about, generating Java classes based on the Tables, right? In other words, if I want my model java files (obtained by reveng) compiled, you don't need to run hbm2hbmxml.
I found the solution to this issue (unfortunately is not documented, and that's why you see it here):

Plugin configuration

Then the last step is executing Maven:
mvn hibernate3:hbm2java

And we're ready to roll! :)

Is your Computer boy or girl?

If you want to hear the voice of your Computer, what you can do is write this simple code into a notepad and save it with extension *.vbs

And you'll hear your computer speaking :P

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Reading text files on MS-DOS

In my previous entry, I was trying to process a text files (a CSV), using each line of that file as input for my SQL*Plus call.
But, what happens if you don't have a UNIX box where you can execute it??? :(
Let's write my shell script into a batch file (oh man!), and this is the result: Where %%a is the first token, %%b the second one, and so on (until we'd reached the fourth token - as specified on tokens=1,2,3,4)
At the end, it was simple :D

Friday, February 4, 2011

Report in SQLPlus using spool to write a file

On my previous entry I'm reading a file and using each line as input to make an external call (call SQL*Plus for example) Well, this is my SQL (script) to be executed using SQL*Plus, in other words, I will execute this query for each line of a given file (shell script), each time that I call SQLPlus I'll append to the spool (output file) the result of my query (I'll pass as parameter to my query the parameter given on command call)
sqlplus CIDB/CIDB1234@CIDB @input_file.sql PRE11221000001

And this is my Query (my report, because I'm adding more stuff)
is the first parameter after the script namde in command line, then the second param will be &&2 then the third one &&3 and so on

My output will be a file named: output_file_2011-02-04.LST

For more information and references please see the official Oracle web site for SQL*Plus:
Ref 1
Ref 2
Ref 3
Ref 4

Read File using Unix Shell

This is something really small which could be useful in case you want to read a comma separated file and use each line (on this case to call an external program passing as parameter each field value)

Run a SQLPlus script and pass a parameter as input


Then your script:
begin dbms_output.put_line(&&1);