Tuesday, July 31, 2012

OneToMany Relation with Non PK Columns

While goofing around @ my office my Boss told me about an issue he was facing while trying to map a OneToMany relation, but instead of using the classical PK on one side and FK on the other side, he wanted to define the relationship between tables with nonKey columns. I still don't know why but this situation reminded me when I was having a hard time playing with 1:1 relations.
Anyway the fact is that we need find a workaround for this, and as is well known if you don't define anything on Hibernate (Annotations), by default is going to use the default values, right?

My approach is simple, by just defining after the OneToMany annotation which columns I'll join, in order to get this Set. Probably my Child table has a PK which doesn't have anything to do with the column I'm using to do the join with the Parent (which is a valid scenario - and BTW is what's happening now) Why don't you give it a try! On my case one of colleagues tried and I got another satisfied customer ;)

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