Friday, July 18, 2014

Memory Settings on WebMethods - Windows Installation as Service

According to SoftwareAG, if you want to modify the memory settings of your WebMethods Installation (IS - Integration Server) you have to do it in one place:

set JAVA_MIN_MEM=1024M
set JAVA_MAX_MEM=2048M

I'm not saying this is wrong, because is not if you start your IS using command line by invoking startup.bat (X:\SoftwareAG\IntegrationServer\bin)

However for us mortals (muggles) who have our installation configured as a Windows Service I found this that my service is started by executing an EXE file (which uses a config file named wrapper.conf):

Inside that file you'll find all sort of properties but no matter how many changes you perform in this file, you won't see any change reflected (no mater how many times you restart your service), unless you have checked at the end of this file where there is a commented line (leave it commented, no need to change anything) which actually includes an additional file custom_wrapper.conf (aha! That's the right spot!)

Feel free to modify this entries (those are the values I set to my DEV environment): 

If you want to add an additional property to your JVM (since the last property ends in 17), I added an additional property 18:

Restart your IS Windows Service and you'll see your changes reflected.


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