Sunday, June 13, 2010

WebServices with CXF - Configuration files I

I'll show 2 basic configuration files: web.xml & my hibernate configuration file (mapping.cfg.xml)

As you noticed I'm using Spring MVC (see webApplicationServlet), but for now let's focus on Spring and CXF:

My 3 main configuration files are listed here, where the 3rd one is for CXF (really obvious file name) and to enable Apache CXF is so simple, Did you remember XFire?

This is not rocket science! So simple :)

Now let's see my (small) Hibernate configuration file (which I just called mapping.cfg.xml) Instead of using resource=, I'm using class=, because I don't have any hbm.xml file. I'm mapping directly to the class (due to Java Annotations, my mapping it was declared on each POJO).

Now what do you think? Is not as complex as looks like.

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